Saturday, September 6, 2008

Four Hours Sitting in the Rain... at Least I got Knitting Done

The girls are signed up for soccer, but of course they are in different age groups so our Saturday starts at 9 a.m and gets done at 1 p.m. Public transport takes almost an hour so it's an early morning. Many events this weekend were canceled because the forecast was so bad. Soccer (football), of course, was not. It wasn't so bad the first two hours. Met some nice moms and knitted another pillow square, but it was windy, cold and gray. The second session, however, was rainy and miserable. Couldn't wait to get home to a hot cup of tea. Almost finished my last blue pillow square but ran out of yarn, so I started frogging a sweater that I was knitting for my sister-in-law's daughter. It looked great except something was weird along the neckline. I never had the patience to go back and find out what I did wrong, so I'm getting rid of it so it can be used for this pillow. Here it is in pieces. Was frogging on the tube. Would have paid to read the mind of the guy across from me... what a look on his face as he watched me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. Frogging is painful, psychologically, even for the casual observer. But sometimes, it has to be done in favour of the greater cause.

I look forward to seeing the pillow in its finished form.
