Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mother-in-Law is a Saint

At one point last year, I read about a charity that needed hats for premature babies in third-world countries (is that politically incorrect?), so I knitted a bunch of tiny hats to use up some of my yarn scraps. I never got them sent off, so they now reside with my mother-in-law and I've been waiting to find a charity to send them to.

Just saw on one of my favorite blogs (Knit and Tonic) that there is a charity called The Preemie Project and it just happens to benefit babies at the medical hospital of my alma mater (University of Iowa).

I wrote to the M-i-L and knowing her, they'll be off in the mail tomorrow (or today -- I forgot that it's morning for her with the time difference). It's great to have someone so responsible around to keep me from being so lame :)

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