Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ever have one of those days?

My day started horribly... really I should start with the day before. That day started horribly as well. Yesterday was my 13th wedding anniversary, which became only a passing mention (you'll see why later). Woke up with a sore throat. Everyone at work told me how sexy I sounded, but I sure didn't feel sexy. But the big stress was the kid's birthday party. My youngest had an early B-day/going away party. What was I thinking having a party the day before the movers come? On purpose we only made it an hour and a half so we would have time to pack, but I think the last kid left at least three, three and a half hours later. Needless to say, our whole family was tired and cranky as we desperately tried to separate the stuff to be shipped from the stuff that needs to go to the States. Kids had fun at the party, and it is important for closure for our daughter, but it was just too crazy.

Woke up at 4 a.m. this morning feeling really punk. I even resorted to taking cold medication, which I just don't do... ever. I then proceeded to feel the effects of some sort of stomach virus. The dog left at 7 a.m. for the kennel for the summer (so he doesn't have to be quarantined in the UK). That was sad. I was doing some last minute dishes before the movers came and water started pouring out onto the floor, flooding everything. My husband went to have a look and broke one of three Polish vases I bought for the women at work for going-away gifts. All day the packers were here. Packed my vacuum right off the bat so not sure how I'm supposed to clean the house. Now the oldest can't find something she set aside to bring to the States (sentimental jewelry), so we've had a tearful night and my husband spent half an hour looking through all the trash bags to see if it had been tossed. The little box will turn up, but once again, it's something to cry about.

Finished the little beige hat to match the booties that I knit for my colleague who's having a baby. Gave the blue booties and hat to the guy who's wife is due in July, and handed off the booties for hire. Couldn't come up with a price, so I told her to ask the teacher on staff who has sold stuff before what she thought was fair. I think my things aren't worth anything... I was willing to sell it for cost, but she looked me in the eyes and said, "You have to get used to doing this..." Made me feel good because maybe that means others think what I'm knitting has some value. All my must-finish projects are done so after working on the hat during the eighth grade moving up ceremony, I haven't been in the mood to knit quite yet. I'll try to remember to take a picture of the hat tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no ! What a ghastly day ! If it is any consolation, tomorrow will just HAVE to be better. You need to take a very deep breath, blow it A-L-L the way out, and....go knit something !

I agree, we knitters frequently undervalue what we do. Many people don't get it and so we have to be so selective about who we give our precious knitted treasures to. It is also very difficult to know what to ask for as remuneration when we knit "on commission." I have had similar dilemmas. If we truly asked to be paid for the REAL value of our work, no one would pay it !!!

Maybe the next thing you knit should be for yourself !

Debbie (yarnRx)