Friday, June 27, 2008

Guess what I found!

Yup... you guessed it... the directions to the Bubbly Curtain. Once I got through the mess in the bedroom upstairs, I found the lost photocopy. Here's my start.

I've been doing a little research for a road trip. We're heading down to the in-laws where my husband will meet us after his canoe trip. The weather is overcast and cool, so I thought we might leave early and take a little different route home and hit a series of yarn stores I've had my eye on for a few years now. If I can get the kids to cooperate... won't resort to bribery just yet, but we'll see what the day brings.


Anonymous said...

Summer road trip + yarn shops = excellent adventure !

Excellent adventure + a little bribery = truly excellent adventure :}

Happy trails.......


Kay said...

Sorry I got here too late to give you the cast-on number! (I happen to have a couple of copies of the book.)

I am so intrigued by what you are doing with this pattern; can't wait to see it on the beaver stick!


KKF said...

Kay, I'll post a picture soon. Tried to find more of the ribbon in a town about an hour away, but will need to go to a bigger town to get what I need. The beaver stick is pretty cool, but do need to hunt another one up. All the bark is chewed off so it's quite light wood.