Friday, February 15, 2008

Back from the Ski Trip & Off to Austria to Ski Some More

Made it back from the 6th grade ski trip in one piece, but rather the worse for wear. Got wiped out by some young guy on the slopes (not one of ours) and have two horrible bruises on my leg. Have one unaccounted for bruise on left elbow (black as black can be) and a nasty blood blister on the tip of my left thumb obtained by pinching it in the tripod setting up to film the little dance the kids had last night. There are other scrapes and scratches, but nothing worth mentioning.

The trip, although fun, was hard on the teachers. Almost all the advisers were sick, which meant there were few who were up for skiing at all. I was the only person who skied all four days. The ski hats, therefore, sat in the rooms and weren't really used much. I didn't even get a group picture to show for all the work as we were never all together and well enough to get one. One of the teachers even went home mid-way through the week. I did get Mr. Mohawk to ski the last day, and we had a blast. And Petr, my Czech friend with the long braid hat (to the left) skied with me several days and loved his hat. In total, I made one Mohawk, three braid hats and five regular ones. It was fun and I'm glad I did it. The teachers are promising to wear them next year even though I won't be there. That would be nice. They did serve their purpose--teachers were easy to spot. Although they weren't worn much, one consolation was that the kids kept asking me to make them hats. The Mohawk was the most popular, but will NEVER be done again (by me, anyway). It was a great trip despite there being NO SNOW. You can see the brown hills in the background. Here's me on the right as the sun slips behind the mountain.

Tomorrow we go to Austria, which is supposed to have a lot more snow and much colder weather. I'm trying to get my knitting projects together to take. While away, I knitted several hats. One was for myself, but I'm going to frog part of it and change the pattern. I'm not happy with it. Wish me luck on packing. I'm the world's biggest procrastinator when it comes to that. I'll have my computer this time so will keep everyone posted on what, if anything, I've completed.

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