Sunday, February 24, 2008

Back in Prague and It's Spring

Left Austria yesterday morning and made it back to Prague where spring has arrived. Opened the back door and noticed that a lot of our flowers are up. This happened last year too--everything bloomed very early. Today was so warm that the neighbor was out washing his car in what looked like his boxer shorts (I won't include a picture--it wasn't pretty).

Made it back yesterday for our 2 o'clock Stitch 'n Bitch meeting. It was fun to see people, but I was so tired I mostly just listened and knitted squares for the charity blanket.

Joanna, the host of the Prague Stitch 'n Bitch, was talking about all her unfinished projects. I'm feeling a little bit the same way; although the unfinished blanket she's carried around with her for the past twelve years (to Africa and Prague no less) has me beat by a mile. There are a few new projects I need to get going on (one baby gift in particular). But I really want to finish the things that I've started. Maybe it's the idea of the move. I don't want unfinished pieces hanging over my head. I've also been trying to organize my yarn, and the charity blanket is great for getting rid of all the bits and pieces. Although I only finished three squares yesterday, it is easy knitting and a nice way to tidy up the stash.


Unknown said...

Spring, I'm sooooo jealous. We'll have another 2" of snow tomorrow night. Our flowers are going to need shovels to dig themselves out.

KKF said...

Don't get too excited. It is currently snowing. Was hoping for an early spring, but not sure if it's here quite yet.