Sunday, February 3, 2008

Finishing Weekend

I vowed not to start anything new until I finished a few projects. There are some deadlines coming up, so I need to get things off the needles.

A friend from work has been out sick for a week or so and will be out another week as her doctor doesn't want her in school while she's on her medication. She's bored and sick of being sick, so Linda came up with the great idea of sending home a little gift for her to open each day to let her know we're thinking about her. I decided that my contribution would be something knitted. I may still knit a hat, but with all these other projects needing to get done, I decided to start by finishing up a scarf that I've had sitting in my knitting basket for almost two years. Only needed to put on the pompoms. I told you I'm hopeless at finishing things. It's a cute little pattern from Simple Chic by Jil Eaton, but I didn't look at it again before I started to put the pompoms on. It wasn't until I opened the book to take the picture that I realized I was supposed to alternate colors. Serves me right. Anyway, hope she likes it.

The other thing I've been working on are the ski hats for the trip a week from Monday. Here are five of the suckers. Still a few more to go. I knitted one yesterday as I was getting my hair done. One of the parents at work flies her hairdresser in from New York City to do her hair, so she sets up appointments for people who want them. The price charged by the hairdresser I use here has gone up substantially and the dollar has gone down so much that it was actually cheaper to go to Steven from NYC and he did a better job. Anyway, one of the hats was done while I waited.

The long braids came in the post late last week. I'll take them off the hats they came on and will put them in those I made. They're actually pretty funny looking and should be great in the hats.

The last thing I need to work on is that darn Mohawk hat. I've vowed that I can't touch another piece of knitting until that thing is done. I had to pick up another big ball of yarn for the ski hats on Friday and found some pretty cotton that would make great baby bibs and I'm really itching to knit one up, but I have enough baby gifts... they can wait.

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